Steps to Use News Releases for SEO

Posted on November 13, 2013 in SEO, SEO Services, Social Media

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If your company has a major news announcement that it wants to share with the world, you have to take extra measures in order to increase its exposure. There’s more to news than just using it for a press release. You can boost your company’s presence online by using news as part of your SEO campaign. This will give your news piece a chance to be seen by users all over the internet, which can help generate traffic for your website. Following are a few steps to help use your PR as part of your SEO campaign.

1. Use your Blog: Simplify your press release into a blogpost and then promote your blog via all major social media channels. Ask your readers for their input in the form of comments and then get in on the discussion. This will boost your SEO as the extra activity will put you up higher in search engine rankings.

2. Email: Use your email as a place to advertise your news releases. Place your news topic and a link to your blog post in your emails so the recipients will be more likely to click on it and visit your blog. Also if you have an email subscription to your website, use that to promote your news release to your subscribers.

3. Tell your Company: This should go without saying, but sometimes the ones who put out news releases fail to tell some of the internal team members about it. By telling your team members, not only do they get to know what’s being released to the public, but then they can share that information in their circle of friends and family. This increases the exposure of the news piece and boosts your SEO.

4. What’s the Latest News? Have a spot on your homepage that shows what the latest news is for your company. This will be one of the first things visitors will see and will let them know what is going on with your company.

5. Tweet about It: Promote your news release in 140 characters or less! Add in different angles and side stories online to prove its relevance to your followers. And of course encourage them to click the link to go back to your website. More links means a higher SEO ranking.

6. Google AdWords: Set up a campaign that links to a specific landing page that has your news and other related information on it. This will connect with Google+ and inform all your followers there that you have some news to tell them about which will encourage them to click the link to your site.

7. Use Social Media: SEO is all about engagement. Post your copy that is specific for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, (among others) and encourage your friends to repost and share it among their friends and followers. Make it easy for them and be more than willing to do the same for them when they ask. By building communities, you can increase your SEO quickly and help generate traffic for your website.